Manage Resources

Lighthouse allows users to manage resources connected to enrolled nodes that have implemented Smart Management Fabric so that resources can avail of client-less network access.

The Smart Management Fabric network can be leveraged to allow users to manually add resources that exist on those networks. Users can specify three proxy methods through Lighthouse to provide client-less network access via:

  • HTTP


  • SSH

  • To proxy via HTTP or HTTPS to a resource, Lighthouse must be accessed through a Domain.
  • Resources can only be used in a Lighthouse that has an appropriate subscription type. However users can delete and view a resource on all subscriptions.

Operations to manage resources are on the Resources page. As a reminder the Connected Resource Gateway permissions must be set to Full Access as found under the Advanced Features in the Operation Permission table.

View Resources

  1. In the Menu Pane, select Resources.
    The RESOURCES page displays.

Filter Resources

  1. In the Menu Pane, select Resources.
    The RESOURCES page displays.

  2. The following options are available:

    • Filter Resources: create and save a new filter or select / edit an existing filter.

    • Connectivity: Any Status, Connected, Disconnected.

      • Connected: at least one proxy protocol can be connected.
      • Disconnected: all proxy protocols are disconnected.

    • Enter a search term to filter the results. The AND operator is used if more than one search term is entered. To enter a multi word search phrase, enclose them in double quotes.

Create, Assign or Remove a Resource Tag

  1. In the Menu Pane, select Resources.
    The RESOURCES page displays.

  2. Click the RESOURCE NAME.
    The EDIT RESOURCE dialog displays.

  3. Under TAGS, complete one of the following actions:

    • Create a new tag:

      1. Click Create new tag.
        A new row displays.

      2. Enter a name for the New tag

    • Assign an existing tag:

      1. Click Select existing tag.
        A new row displays with the option to select an existing tag.

      2. Select the Existing tag name.

    • Remove an assigned tag; select Remove tag.
      The tag is removed from the list.

  4. Click Update Resource.

Connect to a Resource

  1. In the Menu Pane, select Resources.
    The RESOURCES page displays.

  2. For a connected resource select an icon in the actions column to access via:

    Note: When Smart Management Fabric is disabled, these icons are also disabled.

    • HTTP
    • HTTPS
    • SSH

Note:  For SSH connections Lighthouse will not know the username for the target resource. When selecting SSH, a modal will appear to update the Target Resource Username. You may leave it blank and the user will be prompted to enter the Username when using SSH. This field will default to the Username of the current login session.

For an IP connection there are three different states that the connection can be within. The state can be seen when hovering over each one of the proxy access button for each resource.

Connection State Description
Pending When a resource is added for the first time, the state will come back as pending.
Connected When Lighthouse can validate the connectivity via that specific protocol on the specified port, the hover state displays a timestamp of when the last time it was validated.
Failure When Lighthouse can not validate the connectivity via that specific protocol on the specified port.


Connected Resource Gateway logging can be found in a file located in /var/log called crg.log. This file captures the following information:

  • If a Lighthouse user is granted access to a resource via HTTP, HTTPS or SSH.

  • If a Lighthouse user is rejected access to a resource due to Connected Resource Gateway permission being set to Deny.

  • Unauthenticated users that try to access a resource are sent to an NGINX error page, which is captured in the existing NGINX access logs.